RWA Finance Launched VE Governance Best Time to Capture Value

RWA Finance Launched VE Governance Best Time to Capture Value

Los Angeles, CA, April 11, 2024 — Recently, RWA Finance announced the launch of VE governance series products, opening VE governance in the RWA field. Users can get the veToken by locking RWAS in the VE pool, enjoying the right to community governance and token emission.

VE Governance
VE (vote escrow) governance is a token economics model that balances between token supply and liquidity. veRWAS is a non-transferable community governance token in the RWA Finance ecosystem, and its holders can independently initiate and propose joint decisions on token emission policies to achieve more equitable and scientific RWAS emissions.

RWA Finance VE governance ecosystem has launched a rich portfolio of products such as VE Pool, LP Pool, Community Vote, Swap, etc. to meet community governance and ecological value capture needs.

• Locker: Deposit RWAS to get veRWAS.
• Governance: proposal initiation and voting, 1 veRWAS = 1 vote.
• Swap: RWAS/USDT trading pair.
• LP Pool: deposits USDT and RWAS to become a Liquidity Provider (LP).
• Liquidity Pool: Lock LP in Liquidity contract, you can get RWAS emission.

Regarding VE products, the VE pool is the initial place for equity release. In contrast, the LP pool is the benefit space, the democratic governance of the community, and the revenue of token emission can be realized by voting in the governance area. The benefits that the VE governors can initiate the proposal voting are not limited to the parameters of the mining pool, token emission adjustment, eco-product innovation, etc.

(1) Democratic governance: deposits RWAS (get veRWAS) – View/initiate proposals – community voting – Vote for proposal passage –Executed on the chain;
(2) Emission: deposit RWAS (get veRWAS) – get LP acceleration; add RWAS/USDT liquidity (get corresponding LP) – lock LP in Liquidity (get RWAS emission); get RWAS accelerated emission gains into VE Pool and LP Pool.

Starting from the 4 Tokenomics (Token Economics) can help us to discover the effects of VeToken economic modeling better. That is token supply (supply side), token utility (demand side), token distribution (holders), and ecological value capture.

The Ve model directly affects the state of supply and the deployment of multiple interests through long-term locking. There is an evident supply ceiling (500 million pieces) from the supply side. When RWAS are locked in the VE pool, they will be withdrawn from the secondary market for a considerable period, directly reducing the pressure of selling. From the demand side, veToken is a great innovation; while releasing the right to participate in the ecological process and the right to dividends, users have to obtain greater democratic voting rights and more LP pool emission benefits, and it is an effective way to get more veRWAS by expanding the amount of pledged RWAS.

At the token distribution level, VeToken holders are the ones who decide the monetary policy of the RWAS protocol and can influence token “emissions” through community resolutions, balancing the liquidity (LP) pool and the weight of the VE reward pool, thus assisting the RWAS token distribution to converge towards scientificity continuously. Hardcore supporters who choose the most extended lock-up period will have a more significant say in the 1 token = 1 vote model, and the VE model creatively incorporates sustained believers into the decision-making level of token distribution, which is the evolution of the concept of blockchain freedom and openness in the token economy model.

Long-term RWAS believers will receive more yield and passive income regarding value capture. In project ecology and LP liquidity pool mining, veRWAS holders can access amplified annualized returns. In eco-incubation or industry build-up, there is plenty of room for innovation in the RWA track where RWA Finance is located and holders have preferential investment opportunities in high-quality RWA assets or even airdrops.

The VE governance model benefits to RWAS include:
• Coin price empowerment: Pledging reduces the liquidity of RWAS in the secondary market, which is conducive to the increase of coin prices.
• Community autonomy: democratic voting to optimize token emission policy and ecological development direction.
• Decentralized minting rights: Multiple roles are eligible for token emissions, enabling multiple allocations.
• DeFi 2.0 Mining: veToken realizes rights anchoring, preventing liquidity draining and bubbles in DeFi protocol.
• Flexibility of interest coordination: Individuals vote to maximize their value, and group decision-making can coordinate the consistency of interests.

Despite its commercial solid closure, VE Governance remains an open and inclusive crypto ecosystem. This stems from the openness of the LP pool of ecological products; the low threshold and high yield can absorb diversified subjects to participate in market making, such as DeFi traders, USDT holders, RWA speculators, etc., thus ensuring decentralized distribution of RWAS. It is directly linked to revenue distribution and emission adjustment rights, strengthening the motivation to hold and further stimulating more users to participate in ecological governance. Ultimately, RWA Finance realizes the goal of “distributing tokens to more people and obtaining more tokens for a single user.”

veToken Value Capture
The value of the VE governance model to RWA Finance is not only that it enables broad democratic governance through the decentralization of proposals and voting rights, but also that it introduces an entirely new mechanism for distributing weights. veToken is used to distribute revenue in the VE governance ecosystem.

veRWAS is affected by both lockup amount and duration, and the balance decreases over time until the RWAS unlocks to zero. Under the 1 veRWAS = 1 vote, large nodes are challenged even by those who stake for an extended period, as the reduction of the veToken affects core resolution. They need to increase the lockup amount, extend the lockup period, and boost the veRWAS to retain the proposal initiation right and voting interest share. While raising their earnings, large nodes effectively retain the robustness of token value support, preventing the secondary market price from impacting the price.

As far as retail investors are concerned, even if the stake amount is small, they can still obtain the same minting and accelerating rights and interests. More importantly, after obtaining veToken equity certificates, they can speak for their position and contribute to project construction in the decision-making process. Retail investors can also play the power to influence the voting results and continuously drive income distribution to their inclination.

Based on the previous analysis, veRWAS holders enjoy voting, proposal, minting, acceleration, dividend, and bribery rights (airdrops for new projects to gain more user support). Thus, the economic benefits enjoyed by VE governance participants included:

• LP Pool Reward: fixed 73,136 coins/day for the first year, veRWAS holders can get up to an additional 150% accelerated return.
• VE Pool Reward: Inviting others to participate in VE governance can earn high rewards (first 3 months).
• VE Governance Emission Reward: holders of veRWAS can get additional rewards, subject to community voting resolution (first 3 months).

The multiple gains derived from the VE model give liquidity providers, counterparties, and RWAS holders an excellent opportunity to capture value, thus winning their deep support. Abundant gains will attract more users to participate in the VE pool ecosystem; the expansion of the VE pool reduces token dumping pressure and pushes the token RWAS price up; the increase in RWAS price leads to a rise in market making yield (APR), which further attracts more liquidity aggregation (LP pool) and creates a better depth of trading; the expansion of the VE pool and the LPs Pool will attract more RWAS projects to join the RWA Finance ecosystem, continuously boosting the confidence of VE stakes and secondary market traders, ultimately creating a self-reinforcing business flywheel.

Shapes Competitive Advantage
In March, the RWA Finance Growth Flywheel was announced to the public, depicting the grand RWAS narrative. Make Users Access Premium RWA Assets, Make Premium Assets More RWA; Chain governance, user-friendly experience; improve LP liquidity, attract more RWA assets, and solidify assets. Currently, RWA Finance will allow users to obtain more RWA quality assets through the VE governance model and empower more quality real-world assets to enter the WEB3 world circulation by comprehensively improving product power.

RWA Finance is the first RWA (Real World Asset Tokenization) project using the VE model. RWA is an innovative Web3 module benchmarking tangible world assets and is seen as an interoperability bridge between traditional finance (TradFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi). According to a report by the Boston Consulting Group,the RWA market size is expected to reach $16 trillion by 2030.

Compared to other RWA projects, RWA Finance has the advantage of “continuous scaling” due to the VE model, which improves token supply and demand dynamics and adjusts incentives among a wide range of protocol participants and stakeholders through voting. Diversified revenues generate strong network effects until substantial competitive barriers are formed, capturing monopoly revenues in niche segments. The larger the VE and LP pool size, the stronger the competitive barriers, and the easier it is for RWA assets to expand to the public, thus building a win-win situation with growing multilateral confidence among VE stakes, liquidity providers, traders, and RWA asset issuers. The value that long-term believers can capture is also enriched as the scale of projects expands and monopoly increases, ultimately forming a positive upward spiral.

RWA Finance’s product power will be comprehensively enhanced in VE governance and multiple RWA asset interactions. The rich product models are similar to RWA asset trading, equity NFT, Stake, Launchpad, etc., which will attract more users and RWA project parties to join the RWA Finance ecosystem, which will continue to strengthen the foundation of RWAS assets and drive RWA Finance towards the leading RWA.

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