Author Jimmy Scott’s Book One Scarce Man Loosed In His Hands

Author Jimmy Scott’s Book One Scarce Man Loosed In His Hands

New York, NY, April 17, 2024 — Jimmy Scott has completed his new book, “One Scarce Man: Loosed In His Hands”: a thought-provoking look at how one can find true happiness and fulfillment in life through a relationship with God, the source of spiritual abundance in a world of scarcity.

“Do you know, or can you think, of a type of person that is currently in short supply?” writes Jimmy. “If you can, then you can say that this type of person is scarce or exists only in limited quantities. Think about this. Are you experiencing some type of scarcity in your life today? Are you lacking purpose, love, hope, or peace, for example? If so, how will you find and have abundance in these areas instead?

“To find abundance, we must first discover where it comes from and from whom it comes. Does it come from big bank accounts or seeking luxurious lifestyles as many espouse today? No, an abundant life comes from being a scarce man or woman who seeks God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. In this book, you will discover what makes a scarce man or woman. Yes, the truth will set you free!”

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