Sony Entertainment Television’s prestigious singing reality show ‘Indian Idol’ has been recognized as the ultimate platform for aspiring singers across the nation. Known for discovering some of the brightest singing talents, the show offers a golden opportunity for passionate singers to showcase their skills on a national stage. The same platform that has given recognition to phenomenal talents like Vaibhav Gupta, Rishi Singh, Pawandeep Rajan, and more, is all set to find the nation’s next ‘Indian Idol.’
The auditions will commence on 20th August at Nerim Group of Institutions, Padma Nath Sarmah Bhawan, Tripura Road, Jayanagar, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam – 781022. On 25th August, the auditions will continue in Delhi at the JBM Global School, Expressway, A-11, Sector 132, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301. The final auditions will conclude in Mumbai on 31st August at a location to be announced.
Motivating aspiring singers to participate in the auditions, judge of the show Vishal Dadlani shares, “I hope your preparations are in full swing because the moment you’ve been waiting for is here—Indian Idol auditions are about to begin! We’re on the hunt for the next big star, and auditions will soon be happening in a city near you. Agar aapke aawaz mein hain woh dum, toh aaiye intezaar kar rahe hain hum.”
This season of Indian Idol promises to be an extraordinary journey, spotlighting the nation’s finest singing talent. Aspiring contenders are urged to seize this golden opportunity to chase their dreams and possibly emerge as the next beloved singing sensation in India.